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Finance, Business, Taxes, Economics, Jobs, Politics, etc. => Current Situation (Economy, Capital Markets, Globalization) => Topic started by: pawel on April 07, 2009, 01:30:46 pm

Title: Inflation 10% in the USA this year
Post by: pawel on April 07, 2009, 01:30:46 pm
FED has been pumping money into the economy over the past months by simply printing money. The money supply exploded immensely. Evidence suggests that this will lead to high inflation. It has always been that way. Argentina, Ukraine, Turkey, Zimbabwe .. all these countries experienced hyperinflation because of printing money. Even the USA has a history of 20% inflation periods ( Will that happen this year? 10% inflation this year is a sure thing.

Title: Re: Inflation 10% in the USA this year
Post by: yaris on April 09, 2009, 09:54:28 am
Inflation really is a looming problem. Unless FED is quick enough to pull out all the money out of the market once the credit crisis eases (which is a safe bet that they won't be quick enough, they never were), inflation will accelerate abruptly. Foreign investors will realize this, sell all their treasuries and flee the US. This will send the UD$ down the toilet which will increase the price of imported goods which will fuel more inflation. This country is determined to fall into inflationary spiral leading to hyperinflation. Bernanke, open your eyes!! This is the end of the US economy.