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What was the real reason why USA invaded IRAQ?

 (Read 12593 times)
Posts: 31

« on: November 26, 2008, 05:55:35 pm »

I know it has been a few years down the road, but it is still an unresolved question.

When Bush sent soldiers to Iraq, he was claiming that it was to find weapons of mass destruction. This has shown false many times, yet we are still in Iraq. WHY? Why does America still need to occupy Iraq even today after so many years?

And, if the weapons of mass destruction was just a BS that the government told to their "sheep", what was the real reason for invading Iraq? Was it oil? Was everything orchestrated by the army industry (Carlysle, Halliburton, Blackwater, etc) to just make money??
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« on: November 26, 2008, 05:55:35 pm »

Full Member
Posts: 121

« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 10:29:02 pm »

I know it has been a few years down the road, but it is still an unresolved question.

When Bush sent soldiers to Iraq, he was claiming that it was to find weapons of mass destruction. This has shown false many times, yet we are still in Iraq. WHY? Why does America still need to occupy Iraq even today after so many years?

And, if the weapons of mass destruction was just a BS that the government told to their "sheep", what was the real reason for invading Iraq? Was it oil? Was everything orchestrated by the army industry (Carlysle, Halliburton, Blackwater, etc) to just make money??

Wel all know that the Bush family and Bush administration has strong ties to the oil industry. It is not only the army companies that profit from going to Iraq but most of all the oil companies. And when speaking of the oil companies, it is not only the drilling companies, but also the guys that run the refineries and servicing companies and many others. Those are making incredible money out there!!!

And besides that, USA must have political presence in the middle east. Imagine what would happen if Iran took over Iraq. It would be a super power in the region.
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Posts: 107

« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 02:32:48 pm »

No, I have to disagree! Try to remember what was going on after 9/11. USA went to Afganistan to fight Osama. When they were in Afghanistan, they found themselves fighting not only against Obama in Afgranistan but also against so many terrorists operating out of and funded by Saddam in Iraq. So, in order to fight terrorism and to protect USA, we had to go to Iraq!
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