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What will happen after USA leaves Iraq?

 (Read 20120 times)
Posts: 32

« on: November 27, 2008, 01:03:20 pm »

Going into Iraq was a big mistake, we all know it, but another question is what Will happen when USA leaves Iraq? I think it would be foolish that "the Iraqui people" will be able to defent themselves against all the bad. More likely, I see the following two scenarios:

a) Some powerful leader from within Iraq (connected to Al Quida or some other terrorist group, maybe with support of Iran, of course) will be strong enough to take over the government and eventually to build another dictatorship (perhaps similar to the Saddam's era). This would be a major threat to the US, because the new Iraq would become a terrorist state on its own fully supporting and shielding terrorism against the USA.

b) Iran will invade Iraq and take over it. This would be a major problem for the US too, because this would give tremendous power to Iran.

So, what will happen?
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« on: November 27, 2008, 01:03:20 pm »

Jr. Member
Posts: 60

« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 01:23:45 pm »

It will be the beginning of the World War III because Iran will take over Iraq not by direct attack but through supporting terrorist and anti-USA groups operating in Iraq. Once these groups gain position in Iraq, it will be practically controlled by Iran =

access to more people,
access to more oil,
access to more space,
access to more fanatics

= it will be a mess!
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 02:10:28 pm »

No, they can't leave and they won't leave Iraq. Do you know how much money all those contractors are making in Iraq? The invasion of Iraq was a huge conspiracy orchestrated by the big companies in the army industry and by the now contractors. The war in Iraq means billions and billions of dollars to them (which YOU and I pay in our taxes). Oil companies are the other guys that make tons of money on the US presence in Iraq.

The same way they manipulated Bush administration into going to Iraq and staying there, the same way they will manipulate Obama and his government. They have have money, they have power, and they have enough money and power to keep the USA in Iraq!! People, wake up!!

Here are another two threads talking about this:

How did the Bush Administration profit from the war in Iraq?

What was the real reason why USA invaded IRAQ?
Posts: 31

« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 10:31:58 pm »

I would not see it that bad. Iran won't invade Iraq, and even if they did, it would not matter to us much. First of all, if the US leaves Iraq, Iraq is more likely going to turn into an open civil war. Iran is not going to go into Iraq under such circumstances.

But whatever, USA is flushing 10-12 billion a month down the toilet and our economy and military can't handle it. This wat will cause us bankruptcy.

Saudi Arabia with all their oil money has a larger Army than Iran, and they will never allow Iran to invade Iraq because Iran is Shia and Saudi Arabia is Sunnui. So, if Iran invaded Iraq, it would be a major threat to Saudi Arabia too, and they would have to defend their part of the world.
Posts: 32

« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2008, 08:08:21 pm »

Saudi Arabia with all their oil money has a larger Army than Iran, and they will never allow Iran to invade Iraq because Iran is Shia and Saudi Arabia is Sunnui. So, if Iran invaded Iraq, it would be a major threat to Saudi Arabia too, and they would have to defend their part of the world.

Yeah, that goes hand in hand. Northern part of Iraq is Shia. Iran can do the same like Russians did recently in Georgia.. Iran has legitimate reasons to invade Iraq to protect their people. And once they are in Iraq, they can build an empire and terrorist cells against the US.
Jr. Member
Posts: 60

« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2008, 06:39:55 pm »

Yeah, that goes hand in hand. Northern part of Iraq is Shia. Iran can do the same like Russians did recently in Georgia.. Iran has legitimate reasons to invade Iraq to protect their people. And once they are in Iraq, they can build an empire and terrorist cells against the US.

That's what I am sayin'. The security of Iraq does not have the means to protect all the people. You will see a rash of radicals enter Iraq through Syria and Iran. These radicals will attempt to regain power, slowly, in villages by spreading fear by murder, rape, and theft. It will spread until finally Iraq is in civil war.

But wait. The WWIII is not going to be Iran growing into empire attacking USA. Iran and Syria attempting to destroy Israel, that will be the start of WWIII. Keep an eye on Israel!

Posts: 23

« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2008, 10:16:38 am »

Without the Americans around to divide and rule, the Sunni, Shiate, and the Kurd will go back to live in peace.  Grin
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