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Good article service for SEO?

 (Read 21425 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 280

« on: November 14, 2008, 04:25:19 pm »

I have heard that writing and submitting articles to article services is an excellent SEO technique, and can get good traffic.

Which article submission services are good and which ones could you recommend? Is there any good practice to follow when writing articles?

I know about diggit, technorati, buzzup, are those good ways to promote my website?
Maxi-Pedia Forum
« on: November 14, 2008, 04:25:19 pm »

Full Member
Posts: 223

« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2008, 04:33:58 pm »

I have heard that writing and submitting articles to article services is an excellent SEO technique, and can get good traffic.

Which article submission services are good and which ones could you recommend? Is there any good practice to follow when writing articles?

I know about diggit, technorati, buzzup, are those good ways to promote my website?

I like eZineArticles.com, but there are loads of other similar sites. Just search on these forums for more.
Posts: 31

« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 04:40:08 pm »

Yeah, I would recommend ezine articles too, they are a nice service.

What should I suggest when writing good articles? write good quality articles. If you produce a decent sized length article with good points and good keywords then more people will find the article to read and more people will be likely to use the article on their site as content.
Posts: 121

« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 04:44:19 pm »

What do you think about technorati, digg, stumble and those. Would those count into this category too? Tx.
Sr. Member
Posts: 280

« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 04:47:40 pm »

What do you think about technorati, digg, stumble and those. Would those count into this category too? Tx.

Technorati, digg, stumble, and all those are all social bookmarking sites. They are great for some short term traffic - but the traffic does not last long, and it does not build your credibility in the same way that a well-written articles can.
Posts: 10

« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2009, 05:24:57 pm »

Ive read about an article saying Wordpress is not good for SEO. Im really confused right now. A lot of people loves Wordpress so why is it not good for SEO?
Posts: 121

« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2009, 12:23:12 pm »

To get the right answer, do not forget that SEO has two parts: off-site SEO (mostly link building) and on-site SEO (your site design, content, architecture, etc.). What system you use to create your website whether it is Wordpress or Notepad has no effect on off-site SEO. Your website development system plays a role in on-site SEO, which however has smaller weight in the overall SEO picture.

So, why Wordpress may not be the best choice for on-site SEO? Wordpress is based on templates, and because a "lot of people love Wordpress" a lot of people use the same design, the same templates, the same architecture. How can you stand out SEO-wise if you use the same approach like everyone else? The best results in search engine optimization are known with websites that provide the flexibility of customizing everything that gives you SEO points.
Posts: 12

« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2013, 11:58:13 am »

Article Submission service refers to submitting an article that is related to your site to large number of article directories. These directories have good PR and great traffic which in turn will help your site in getting indexed faster as well as drive you some traffic!  Smiley
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