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Nofollow tag in signature links

 (Read 21666 times)
Full Member
Posts: 223

« on: November 14, 2008, 04:31:10 pm »

I have noticed that most forums and blogs have introduced the nofollow tag into their signature links. This means that signatures no longer help get you any links to your site. It is probably a good thing, but I am interested to hear what other people think about this evolution of the internet.
Maxi-Pedia Forum
« on: November 14, 2008, 04:31:10 pm »

Posts: 31

« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2008, 04:38:30 pm »

I have noticed that most forums and blogs have introduced the nofollow tag into their signature links. This means that signatures no longer help get you any links to your site. It is probably a good thing, but I am interested to hear what other people think about this evolution of the internet.

The nofollow tag has been around on most blog and forum software for a few years now. The big thing to consider is that signature links do not give you any huge benefit anyway. They are to diluted with other links everywhere to actually mean much at all.

However, there is a bigger question ... is anyone here that "cheap" to stop posting only because he or she would not get a link back? I like this forum because there no links around here disturbing anyone, even though I can see they are allowed here. Personally, I would not stop because of that, but I don't come here to get a free SE boost for my site.
Posts: 121

« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 04:45:28 pm »

I have noticed that most forums and blogs have introduced the nofollow tag into their signature links. This means that signatures no longer help get you any links to your site. It is probably a good thing, but I am interested to hear what other people think about this evolution of the internet.

Including the nofollow tag is a good thing! If people are using forum sites just for links, it devalues them as a place for people that genuinely want to help others. I am here to help others!
Full Member
Posts: 223

« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 04:50:32 pm »

Now Google calculated website popularity or quality by evaluating links, those with nofollow and those without it. Theoretically, it all links in the whole internet include nofollow, what will google do then? They will have to find out some new tag??
Posts: 525

« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 04:54:05 pm »

I have a few comments based on my personal observations.

a) Theoretically, if someone links to you, your PR should go up, right? I do not think this really works anymore anyway. I have many links to my web, and it is still PR2. No effect at all, and I have many links from pages without the nofollow tag too. I do not think there are many people around anymore who add their websites into their signatures just for the purpose of PR building. It just does not work anymore.

b) It is said that Google penalizes you if your website passes PR to other websites through links without the nofollow tag, right. This does not have any effect either. I am running one website which used to live on its own without nofollow for years, and it had many many outgoing links. Then I switched all of them to nofollow. PR has not changed at all. No effect.

c) Everyone is introducing the nofollow tag to their websites these days. What happens if all links on the whole internet include nofollow. Will Google break if their PR concept breaks?

c) I do not see links in signatures as bad thing. The opposite, I like it. It is a great way to get inspiration, to find out what other people do with their websites. Just a thought...
Posts: 32

« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2008, 04:57:48 pm »

Now Google calculated website popularity or quality by evaluating links, those with nofollow and those without it. Theoretically, it all links in the whole internet include nofollow, what will google do then? They will have to find out some new tag??

They will be out of business by that time!!  Grin
Posts: 2

« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2009, 02:37:23 pm »


I have disabled the auto nofollow in Localsettings so every external link gets the normal href. Obviousley it would be good to dictate which links get followed or nofollowed.

Is there a way of having both options available?
Posts: 121

« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2009, 11:11:19 am »

I am assuming you are talking about SMF? I do not think what you are looking for is available in SMF by default, you would have to do some custom coding.

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